Some Hints to Professors

An article published a year after the passage of the GI Bill offers advice about teaching World War II veterans.
By Edward C. McDonagh

These hints are sincere suggestions to some of the college teachers who will help teach the 600,000 veterans of this war in our American universities. Perhaps some of these suggestions will enable college professors to adjust themselves to some of the attitudes of veterans. At any rate, the college teacher will be made conscious of the fact that veterans have in some measure been affected by this war.

As an Army counselor interviewing soldiers about to be separated from the service, one cannot but pick up impressions and the attitudes of the men entering civilian life. One gains the impression that for the most part these men are serious persons though they be in their early twenties. These separatees are not only veterans of war, but veterans of travel and life in foreign countries. The constant interplay of ideas from men of all walks of life cannot fail to affect the personality of the soldier. His travel and experiences may in some instances be broader than some of the well-traveled professors. In short, our GI students for the most part "have gone places and done things."

Read the entire article "Some Hints to Professors," originally published in the winter 1945 issue of the American Association of University Professors Bulletin.

Edward D. McDonagh was affiliated with Southern Illinois Normal University and was on military leave, serving as an occupational counselor in the Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Separation Center, at the time of the article's publication.