Upcoming Events


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. In this workshop, we’ll discuss how to gather priorities from members and develop a narrative for your bargaining campaign. Participants will look at bargaining platforms and narratives from other campaigns and leave the session with an outline of their own narrative.


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. In this workshop, participants will focus on the legal framework of bargaining, the mechanics of contract negotiations, how to organize a bargaining team, and other skills needed for member-led bargaining teams to stay on top of the process.


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. Join this workshop to discuss elements of a strong proposal presentation, navigating questions at the table, packaging proposals, and strategies for avoiding impasse.


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. This workshop is about gaining or strengthening AAUP Redbook policy in your collective bargaining agreement. We'll talk about different approaches to writing and negotiating contract language and look at specific examples.


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. In this workshop, we'll explore how to map out an organizing strategy during bargaining. We’ll discuss how to bring members into the bargaining process as active participants through the use of an escalation of tactics. Bargaining team members, contract action team members, union officers, and rank-and-file members are all welcome.

10.25.2024 to 10.26.2024

AAUP National Office

555 New Jersey Avenue, NW

Washington DC 20001

A meeting of the AAUP's Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.


Part of our fall series of workshops for collective bargaining chapters. Join this workshop to learn how to use the institutional financial analysis report provided to you by the AAUP. We’ll look at core data points and use them to develop a narrative for your communications and support your proposals.


Join AAUP general counsel Risa Lieberwitz and Channing Cooper, deputy director of AFT Legal, for a discussion on what faculty and staff can do to develop and implement Title IX policies that build on the baseline provided by new regulations to prohibit sexual harassment while also protecting academic freedom and due process for all workers.