Our Programs

The AAUP has been protecting the rights of faculty and other higher education professionals since 1915. Through assistance and advice to individuals, research, training for campus organizers and activists, amicus briefs, support for collective bargaining, and other means, the AAUP helps shape American higher education and ensure higher education's contribution to the common good.



Advancing Academic Freedom

Advancing and protecting academic freedom is the AAUP's core mission. For more than a century, we have been developing standards for sound academic practice and working for the acceptance of these standards by the community of higher education.

Shared Governance

Since its founding, the AAUP has been working to ensure meaningful faculty participation in institutional governance. Our first statement on the subject, emphasizing faculty involvement in personnel decisions, selection of administrators, budgeting, and determination of educational policies, was published in 1920.

Chapter Organizing

The main principle behind successful organizing, and behind the formation of AAUP chapters, is collective action. When faculty speak and act with one voice, we demonstrate a large-scale commitment to the issues around which we organize.

Collective Bargaining

The AAUP’s approach to collective bargaining is unique in its focus on faculty and other academic professionals; its commitment to protecting academic freedom and shared governance; and its emphasis on grassroots organizing and local autonomy.

Summer Institute

Our Summer Institute is the premier training program for faculty advocates.


The AAUP's Department of Research and Public Policy promotes the economic security of the profession through advanced research on higher education.

Legal Program

The AAUP's legal office supports the activities of the Association in a variety of ways. The office responds to inquiries on higher education law from professors, academic administrators, attorneys, and others; monitors legal developments in higher education around the country; leads workshops and presentations on higher education law; and drafts informational outlines on specific areas of the law. 

Government Relations

The AAUP's government relations program tracks legislation that is relevant to our mission at both the federal and state levels. We also communicate legislative information to members and encourage them to become active in the issues affecting higher education in general and faculty in particular.

New Deal for Higher Education

With the new administration and Congress come new opportunities to ensure significant, sustainable public investment in higher education.