Organizing is a democratic form of building and maintaining an active membership base in order to effect change. The main principle behind successful organizing, and behind the formation of AAUP chapters, is collective action. When faculty speak and act with one voice, they demonstrate a large-scale commitment to the issues around which they organize. Effective organizing results in more equitable handbook and contract language, more robust shared governance, and better educational policies.
Where possible, the AAUP strongly encourages unionization of all eligible higher education employees as the best way to secure professional standards and to ensure that effective instruction remains the core institutional focus. Learn more about forming a new union chapter or about our organizing philosophy.
Organizing doesn't stop once a new union is formed! Ongoing organizing brings members together to collectively determine the direction of their chapter. The most basic building block of organizing is the one-on-one conversation, which ensures that members communicate with one another. When members engage in two-way communications, they are making sure all voices are represented. Inclusive practices—like the organizing conversation—are all the more important in the face of educational policies and trends that divide faculty into different tracks and into many different titles within those tracks.
Organizing takes many forms:
Increasing membership
Moving members to be active in their chapter
Communicating with members
Planning and carrying out actions to improve conditions for both faculty and students
Obtaining commitments from members to complete tasks, come to meetings, and participate in actions
Building reciprocal relationships with allies
To learn more or to request organizing assistance, contact us at [email protected].