The AAUP is excited to be kicking off a new organizing campaign, Organize Every Campus.
As we’ve seen increasing attacks against our right to teach, research, and advocate for higher education as a public good, we also know what we have to do in response: organize with even greater purpose. We ’re starting with workshops run by Jane McAlevey’s Skills to Win program. The program will help hone and develop member and leader organizing skills so that we can stand together, fight back, and build a better future for ourselves, our students, and higher education.
Here’s how it works:
Faculty and staff who join the training will develop the fundamental organizing skills to win campaigns. Whether you are a rank-and-file member or a chapter leader, the course is designed to be practical. We will focus on how to build high-participation chapters and campaigns using a structure-based approach, including how to:
Identify organic leaders who can move your base,
Hold successful organizing conversations,
Learn to chart your campus,
Integrate structure tests into your campaign or organizing plan, and
Organize on your campus to build the power to win bigger and bolder demands.
Any member can sign up—we’ll help connect people on their respective campuses so you can take the training as a group. The training will consist of an opening plenary with a variety of lectures, discussions, role plays, and presentations from different labor and community organizers. You will have time in breakout groups with faculty on your campus to work on exercises and on your specific campaign.
Register here for the Skills to Win training.
As part of the AAUP's Organize Every Campus campaign, advocacy (nonunionized) chapters are eligible to receive a portion of members’ dues back when members participate in active organizing efforts. Learn more here.