
Resources for AAUP members only are marked with . You will need your login and password to access these.


Tips for Successful Office Visits

The Whys and Hows of Building Lists


 The Legal Framework for Bargaining

Researching and Setting the Bargaining Agenda

 Good Faith Bargaining

 Bargaining Protections for Academic Freedom

 Bargaining Over Contingency

 Bargaining Over Healthcare

 Impact Bargaining during the COVID-19 Crisis

 Using Compensation Data 

 Contract Database


 Effective Strikes

 Strike Readiness Checklist

 Strike Communications


Chapter and Contract Administration

 Good Leadership 101

 The Role of the Steward (or Department Representative)

 Internal Organizing

 Countering Union-Busting Tactics

 Strategic Contract Campaigns

 Strategic Contract Campaign Checklist

 Weingarten Rights

 Information Requests


 Creating a Website

 Media Relations


 Government Relations Toolkit

Recommended Reading 

Academic Collective Bargaining. Collective representation has long been at the heart of academic governance. As an outgrowth of that tradition and in response to the profound changes in the academic labor market, many academic employees have turned to collective bargaining to enhance shared governance and to advocate for improvements in working conditions. Contributors to this volume aim to educate readers about the historical and practical contexts of collective bargaining. The essays collected here explore the perspectives, successes, failures, and approaches of those who have collectively bargained so that readers can assess the pros and cons of unionization. Academic Collective Bargaining can be purchased from the Modern Language Association.  AAUP members can write to [email protected] to receive a code for a 20 percent discount on this title.

Journal of Collective Bargaining in the Academy. A publication of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education.