Evaluation Of Faculty

Faculty Evaluation of Administrators

Report by the Committee on College and University Governance on principles and recommended procedural standards concerning the evaluation of administrators.  The statement supplements a paragraph in Faculty Participation in the Selection, Evaluation, and Retention of Administrators (1981). 


Improve Your Teaching and Your Students’ Learning

You can only tell whether your teaching is improving if you can be sure of what your students are learning.

On Extending the Probationary Period

There are good reasons for a seven-year maximum probationary period.

Numbers Are Not Everything

Stop making so many personnel decisions based on quantitative, rather than qualitative, data.


External faculty evaluation Web sites are gaining ground—and massive amounts of data.

Statement on Teaching Evaluation

Statement outlining proper teaching evaluation methods and their appropriate uses in personnel decisions. This statement confines itself to the teaching responsibilities of college and university professors and is not intended as the definitive statement on reviewing and weighing all aspects of a faculty member’s work.

Changing Practices in Faculty Evaluation

Years ago, the process of faculty evaluation carried few or none of the sudden-death implications that characterize contemporary evaluation practices. But now, as the few to be chosen for promotion and tenure become fewer and faculty mobility decreases, the decision to promote or grant tenure can have an enormous impact on a professor’s career. At the same time, academic administrators are under growing pressure to render sound decisions in the face of higher operating costs, funding shortfalls, and the mounting threat posed by giant corporations that have moved into higher education.

The Whistleblower Effect

Imagine the following scenario: You are teaching a course and give a writing assignment. With the deadline fast approaching, one student asks a classmate for a copy of her paper, makes a few revisions, and submits the assignment as his own original work. When you confront the student with evidence of plagiarism, he accepts responsibility for cheating. The second student, who provided the original paper, is shocked that she, too, would be accused of cheating. She simply e-mailed her friend a copy of her paper.

Grappling with Collegiality and Academic Freedom

Widespread concerns about decreased collegiality along with perceptions of increased incivility and bullying have led many institutions of higher education to consider how to balance the legitimate enforcement of respectful and productive workplace conditions with adequate protections for academic freedom and individual rights to expression. Some legal analysts put this issue at the forefront of policy discussion in higher education and note that collegiality is increasingly a factor in important employment decisions.

How Do We Evaluate Teaching?

In fall 2014, the AAUP’s Committee on Teaching, Research, and Publication conducted a survey to gather information about how colleges and universities evaluate teaching and use the results. The committee hoped that this survey would help faculty members improve evaluation practices at their institutions and enable them to defend themselves and their colleagues more effectively against the misuse of student evaluations. A few respondents explicitly expressed the hope that the AAUP would provide a list of best practices or recommended guidelines.


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