Double Pell Alliance Urges Increase in Maximum Federal Grant Funding

The AAUP has joined the Double Pell Alliance, a group of organizations and associations advocating for increased investments in the Federal Pell Grant program, in calling for the maximum Pell Grant amount to be increased to $13,000 per year for fiscal year 2025. The Double Pell Alliance sent a letter in to the leadership of the House and Senate appropriations committees on May 22, noting how "the Pell Grant program is the single most important tool to enable low-income students to afford college, yet the current maximum Pell award only covers between 13% and 31% of the average tuition, fees, housing, and food at institutions of higher education." The AAUP and the Double Pell Alliance urge the federal government to increase the amount granted as a means to bolster affordability and increase access to higher education for middle- and low-income individuals.

The full letter and list of signees is available here.

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, May 28, 2024