At-Large Chapter Bylaws

Initial Chapter Bylaws were approved by the AAUP Council in November 2019.

Article I: Name

The name of this organization is the At-Large Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP or the Association).

Article II: Purposes

The purposes of this chapter are to:

1. Support the policies and goals of the Association as set forth in Article 1 of the AAUP constitution, and in all matters act in harmony with the principles and procedures of national Association and its constitution;

2. Encourage the formation of campus chapters of the Association.

3. Serve as a vehicle for chapter members to participate in the election of Association officers and in Association Meetings.

This chapter is organized and operated for the above stated purposes, and for other nonprofit purposes. No part of its assets, income, or profits shall be distributable to, or inure to the benefit of, any individual, except in consideration of services rendered.

Article III: Members

Eligibility for membership in this chapter shall extend to all members, active and retired, of the American Association of University Professors who are not eligible for membership in another Association chapter.  All chapter members may vote in chapter matters.

Article IV: Officers, Delegates and Elections

The officers of this organization shall be the president, vice president, a secretary-treasurer, and two board members. The term of office shall be two years. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms.

President: The duties of the president shall include carrying out the policies of the chapter, appointing all committees of the chapter, exercising general supervision over the activities of the chapter, and presiding at meetings of the chapter and executive committee. The president shall be a member ex officio of all committees.

Vice President: The duties of the vice president shall include those usually appertaining to the office and those delegated by the president. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall serve in the president's stead.

Secretary-Treasurer: The secretary-treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all funds received and disbursed. At the request of the executive committee, the secretary-treasurer shall prepare an annual chapter budget and report of finances, and submit them for approval. It shall be the duty of the secretary-treasurer to remit to the Association any dues collected on behalf of the Association. The duties of the secretary-treasurer shall include keeping a record of all proceedings and correspondence of the chapter, certifying chapter delegates to the Association's annual meeting, preparing or overseeing the preparation of newsletters for distribution to the faculty if such shall be desired, maintaining official contact with the Association. It shall be the duty of the secretary-treasurer to provide the secretary-treasurer of the Association the names of the officers of the chapter and the chapter bylaws and to conduct the correspondence of the chapter with the secretary-treasurer. In the absence of the president and vice president, the secretary-treasurer shall preside at meetings of the chapter.

Board Members: There shall be two board members elected by the membership at large.

Delegates to AAUP Meeting: The chapter shall also elect delegates to the AAUP meeting. The delegates shall be elected by secret ballot. Nominations and elections shall be concluded no later than May 1 of even numbered years in accordance with rules established by the chapter.

Elections: Elections for officers and delegates shall be held by secret ballot. In order to be nominated and to serve as an officer or delegate an individual must be a member in good standing of the chapter and the AAUP. In the event there is only one nomination for an officer or delegate position, the nominee will be declared elected by acclamation and a ballot election will not be conducted for that office/position. Nominations and elections of officers will be held in the spring of odd numbered years in accordance with rules established by the chapter. Elections may be held by mail ballot, electronic ballot, or other reasonable method in compliance with applicable law.

Vacancies: The executive committee is empowered to fill vacancies in any elective office provided that a vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the vice president. The person filling a vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term.

Article V: Dues

The chapter may establish chapter dues. Any chapter dues will be established by a secret ballot vote conducted among voting chapter members. Chapter members must pay current AAUP dues and any chapter dues.

Article VI: Committees

A. Executive Committee

The executive committee shall consist of the elected officers of the chapter. The majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum for conduct of business of the committee. The executive committee shall assume responsibility for the chapter's continuing effective presence, keeping all positions on the executive committee filled as vacancies occur. The executive committee shall:

1. Meet regularly;

2. Conduct the business of the chapter between meetings;

4. Make necessary appointments to complete an unexpired term of any officer; and

5. Set the agenda with appropriate notice for chapter meetings.

Article VII: Meetings

The chapter shall hold regular meetings at least twice each academic year. Chapter and executive committee meetings may be held electronically. Notice of such meetings shall be provided each member by the secretary of the chapter at least five days in advance of the meeting date. The quorum required for the transaction of business at all meetings of the chapter shall consist of twenty members.

Article VIII: Dissolution

Upon dissolution of the chapter, its assets shall be distributed to the Association.

Article IX: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members, provided that a notice setting forth the proposed amendment or amendments an explanation thereof and known objections thereto shall have been provided to each member at least thirty days prior to the vote. The Executive Committee may initiate and propose an amendment to the membership. Also, twenty or more qualified members may initiate an amendment by submitting it in writing to the Executive Committee.

Article X: Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be the authority for this chapter in matters of procedure not specified above.

[1] Initial Chapter Bylaws approved by AAUP Council November 2019.