New Volume of JAF and Call for Papers

By Kelly Hand

The AAUP published volume 7 of its online Journal of Academic Freedom in September. Four of the essays in the volume, edited by Jennifer H. Ruth, consider academic freedom in the context of globalization. Three of those essays focus on the inadequacies of academic freedom protections in higher education institutions in Hong Kong, India, and Africa. A fourth essay discusses whether there are appropriate limits to academic freedom in scholarship, using the example of post–Cold War “transitional justice” studies.

Other contributions to the volume include a review essay of several books on academic freedom, an analysis of the contradictory legacy of the AAUP’s 1915 Declaration of Principles on Academic Freedom and Tenure, an account of the controversy surrounding Eugene Genovese after a 1965 teach-in at Rutgers University, and a theoretical discussion of an alternative—more positive—conception of academic freedom. The Journal of Academic Freedom, which receives funding from the AAUP Foundation, is freely available on the AAUP’s website at

Ruth has issued a call for papers for volume 8 of JAF, which will explore the status of academic freedom as concept and reality today. Any essay on this topic is welcome, but special consideration will be given to submissions that continue the journal’s inquiries into academic freedom in an era of globalization, address the vexed relationship between “civility” and academic freedom, or analyze the economics of academic freedom. For additional details, please review the call for papers on page 45 of this issue.