Recent Academic Freedom Fund Grants

By Kelly Hand

The AAUP Foundation’s Academic Freedom Fund has provided funding to the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute for an academic freedom conference. The 2020 conference will provide community college faculty with a deeper understanding of academic freedom and of their rights.

The Academic Freedom Fund will also cover travel expenses for a November 2019 presentation on academic freedom in the United States, Russia, and Hungary by Dmitry Dubrovskiy at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Annual Conference in San Francisco. Dubrovskiy, who contributed an article to this issue of Academe, is a researcher at the Center for Independent Social Research in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

The Foundation’s Academic Freedom Fund supports projects that safeguard academic freedom to encourage free inquiry, promote the expansion of knowledge, and create an environment in which learning and research can flourish, thereby enhancing the quality of higher education and benefiting society. Information about the Foundation’s grant programs is at /grants.