Pandemic Resources: AAUP Chapter, and State Conference Actions

This is a sampling of actions taken and statements made in response to the pandemic by AAUP chapters and conferences.

  • University of Iowa AAUP pushes back against the administration's prohibition on instructors requiring masks in class.
  • "Community Information Share: The New School's Financial Sitation" analysis video (AAUP-TNS)

    "Management in Place of Leadership: Report on COVID-19 Campus Response Survey" (NYS AAUP Conference)

  • Open letter to the Georgia Southern community regarding COVID-19 spread concerns  (GSU-AAUP)

  • Statement on reopening Ohio University during an uncontrolled pandemic (OU-AAUP)

  • Protest line from CUNY HQ to the Cuomo's office to protest state budget cuts & planned layoffs of thousands of adjunct faculty and part-time staff (PSC-CUNY)

  • YouTube message and petition from medical and health science faculty (AAUP-BHSNJ)

  • Proposal for temporary work-sharing to avoid layoffs (Rutgers AAUP-AFT)

  • Chapter statement on university policies (UIC United Faculty)

Read more in the spring 2020 issue of Academe.