

An Open Letter to Ninth Graders
By Patrick Sullivan
Get to ’em early.

Why Graduate Students Reject the Fast Track
By Mary Ann Mason, Marc Goulden, and Karie Frasch
They actually want to have lives.

Diversity and Privilege
By Frances A. Maher and Mary Kay Tetreault
Let's look at the connection between diversity, excellence, and privilege.

Reforming Doctoral Education in Europe
By Alexandra Bitusikova
Standardizing the doctoral degree across Europe isn’t going to be easy.

Business Journalism Education in a Changing China
By Wendi A. Maloney
A new joint U.S.-Chinese venture.

Transforming the Culture of Higher Education in South Africa
By Beverley Thaver
What's race got to do with it?

Get Together to Write
By Jennifer I. Friend and Juan Carlos González
Developing a faculty writing group.

Improve Your Teaching and Your Students’ Learning
By William M. Timpson
Midsemester check-ins can help.

Can the Liberal Arts and Entrepreneurship Work Together?
By Mary Godwyn
How to keep them from driving each other crazy.

On Extending the Probationary Period
By James G. Andrews

How many pre-tenure years do we need?